Elliptic Curve Cryptography

A low-power and low-energy flexible GF(p) elliptic-curve cryptography processor

Energy Consumption / Low Energy Buildngs / Low Power / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Montgomery multiplication

A Hardware Architecture for Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Lossless Data Compression

Digital Signature / Computers / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Cryptographic Algorithm / Lossless data compression / Hardware architecture

A hardware architecture for elliptic curve cryptography and lossless data compression

Digital Signature / Computers / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Cryptographic Algorithm / Lossless data compression / Hardware architecture

On geometric interpolation by planar parametric polynomial curves

Applied Mathematics / Finite Element Methods / Energy / Numerical Analysis / Finite element method / Convergence / Finite Element / Computing / Algorithm / Numerical Method / United Kingdom / Diophantine approximation / Elliptic curves / Higher Order Thinking / Linear Model / Singularity / Probability Distribution & Applications / Riemann zeta function / Extreme Value Theory / Newton Method / IEEE / APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM / Continued Fractions / Error Analysis / Arithmetics / Consistency / Convergence Rate / Discretization / Divergence / PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION / Recurrence Relation / VECTOR / Gaussian quadrature / Numerical Integration / Linear System / Harmonic / Second Order / Large classes / Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics / Lower Bound / Upper Bound / Multiplication / Chinese Remainder Theorem / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Galerkin Method / Poisson Equation / Difference equation / Boundary Condition / Floating Point / Asymptotic Behavior / GAUSS / Convection Diffusion Equation / Mixed Method / Linear Equations / Algebraic Variety / Discontinuous Galerkin / Real Number / Condition number / Prime Number / American Mathematical Society / Hybrid Method / Radius of Convergence / Convergence / Finite Element / Computing / Algorithm / Numerical Method / United Kingdom / Diophantine approximation / Elliptic curves / Higher Order Thinking / Linear Model / Singularity / Probability Distribution & Applications / Riemann zeta function / Extreme Value Theory / Newton Method / IEEE / APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM / Continued Fractions / Error Analysis / Arithmetics / Consistency / Convergence Rate / Discretization / Divergence / PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION / Recurrence Relation / VECTOR / Gaussian quadrature / Numerical Integration / Linear System / Harmonic / Second Order / Large classes / Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics / Lower Bound / Upper Bound / Multiplication / Chinese Remainder Theorem / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Galerkin Method / Poisson Equation / Difference equation / Boundary Condition / Floating Point / Asymptotic Behavior / GAUSS / Convection Diffusion Equation / Mixed Method / Linear Equations / Algebraic Variety / Discontinuous Galerkin / Real Number / Condition number / Prime Number / American Mathematical Society / Hybrid Method / Radius of Convergence

On finiteness conjectures for modular quaternion algebras

Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Quaternion Algebra

Pseudorandom Bits From Points on Elliptic Curves

Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Finite Field / Electrical And Electronic Engineering

Elliptic Curves as Attractors in ${ mathbb P}^2$ Part 1: Dynamics

Several Complex Variables / Lyapunov exponent / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Dynamic System

Efficient utilization of scalable multipliers in parallel to compute GF(p) elliptic curve cryptographic operations

Hardware Design / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Design and Implementation / Elliptic curve cryptosystem

Customizable elliptic curve cryptosystems

Distributed Computing / Computer Hardware / Cryptography / Field-Programmable Gate Arrays / Hardware Design / Software Implementation / Field Programmable Gate Array / Public key cryptography / Galois Fields / Hardware Implementation of Algorithms / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Finite Field / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Parallel Architecture / Elliptic curve cryptosystem / Parametric Model / Software Implementation / Field Programmable Gate Array / Public key cryptography / Galois Fields / Hardware Implementation of Algorithms / Elliptic Curve Cryptography / Finite Field / Electrical And Electronic Engineering / Parallel Architecture / Elliptic curve cryptosystem / Parametric Model
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